I attended my grandson, Jack’s kart races today and in addition to supporting all his hard work, I also took the opportunity to take photos. Pho
tos that hopefully he will cherish in years to come that will remind him of the countless hours he and his father spend together sharing the love of this sport.
As parents, we all have most likely spent hours and years supporting our children in athletic and artistic endeavors. Today watching these parents labor over the repairs and maintenance of these cars, give pep talks, hugs, cheer and support not only their own children but the other competitors, and most importantly they modeled how to lose and win graciously..
In the end, we support our children and grandchildren in these ways for the bigger life lessons that they learn by participating in these events: setting goals, handling fear and disappointment, teamwork, commitment, self-discipline and so many more.
Kudos to all those parents giving it their all, for their kids!